New Arrivals
TZS 45,000
PackTrail BackPack(9139#)
TZS 18,000
DaintyCarry Tote Bag
TZS 15,000 – TZS 55,000
Yellow Adhesive Glue
How To Use:
- Apply a thin layer of Yellow Adhesive Glue on the surface that needs bonding.
- Immediately press the materials together and hold for a few seconds to ensure proper adhesion.
- Allow the glue to fully cure for maximum strength before using the repaired object.
TZS 16,000
HotBond Glue
How To Use:
- Apply the Glue – Spread an even layer of HotBond on the damaged or detached area of the shoe.
- Let It Dry – Allow the glue to dry completely before proceeding (drying time may vary based on material and environment).
- Heat Activation – Warm up the glued area using a heat gun, hair dryer, or another controlled heat source until it becomes tacky.
- Press & Secure – Firmly press the shoe parts together and hold until the bond sets.
- Final Drying – Allow the shoe to fully cure before wearing for maximum durability.
TZS 40,000
SteadyWalk School Shoes(618 CN)
TZS 6,000
Big Sewing Threads
TZS 3,500
Medium Sewing Threads
TZS 4,500
TZS 5,00010% offBrown Shoe Brush
TZS 45,000
FortiStride School Shoes(9033-1 KM)
TZS 45,000
EasyStep School Shoes(2081 KM)
TZS 35,000
Open Shoes 2012-043
TZS 15,000
School Bag Small
TZS 15,000
School Bag Small
TZS 60,000
Staff Shoes 81716-0028 Plain
TZS 80,000
TZS 150,000
School Bag Leather
TZS 80,000
Staff Shoes TRV 1631-0027
TZS 80,000
TZS 80,000
Staff Shoes 841 Suede Black
TZS 25,000
School Bag Medium
TZS 75,000
Staff Shoes Oxford Suede 002
TZS 60,000
Staff Shoes 1529 Urembo WOP
TZS 35,000
Staff Toto Boot 125
TZS 55,000
Staff Shoes HQ 825 Drafted
TZS 75,000
Fashionation Mens Oxford Leather
TZS 80,000
Staff Shoes 1529-0024 TRV
TZS 60,000
Staff Shoes 1628 Kamba
TZS 75,000
Staff Shoes Oxford 001
TZS 80,000
Staff Shoes 1529-0020 TRV
TZS 80,000
Staff Police 1529
TZS 80,000
Staff Police 9116
TZS 80,000
Staff Shoes 1531-0027 TRV
TZS 80,000
Staff Shoes TRV 160-02
TZS 60,000
Staff Shoes 8007
TZS 45,000
Staff Shoes 2109 Obama
TZS 80,000
Safari Boot
TZS 70,000
Staff Shoes 1630 Slip On
TZS 45,000
Staff Shoes 2470
TZS 45,000
Staff Shoes (8101 Kipande Juu)
TZS 60,000
Staff Shoes 1529 Head Master
TZS 60,000
Staff Shoes 21021
TZS 60,000
Staff Shoes QY-016
TZS 60,000
Staff Shoes 1011 Kamba
TZS 45,000
Staff Shoes 8101
TZS 35,000
School Shoes Bacol (13888 Matobo)
TZS 35,000
School Shoes 617 City Girl Bacol
TZS 35,000
School Shoes 558 BJJ Kifungo
TZS 40,000
Classic Leather School Shoe(13888 Velcro)
TZS 40,000
School Shoes City Girl Bacol
TZS 40,000
Cozy Cowhide School Shoe (617- Bacol MTB)
TZS 35,000
School Shoes City Girl Velcro
TZS 35,000
School Shoes 617 J & R Velcro
TZS 35,000
School Shoes 558 BJJ (3) Laces
TZS 35,000
School Shoes 558 Kilimanjaro
TZS 40,000
Boy’s Classic Leather(618)
TZS 40,000 – TZS 50,000
Boy’s Classic Leather (868)
TZS 35,000 – TZS 45,000
School Shoes 019B Velcro
TZS 35,000 – TZS 45,000
School Shoes Leather (81575-016)
TZS 35,000
School Shoes 019B Lace up
TZS 40,000
Leather Girl’s School Shoes(558-Facebook)
TZS 45,000
Men Shoes Open style
TZS 40,000 – TZS 50,000
Classic Leather School Shoe(81575-0016 KM)